Myopia, commonly referred to as nearsightedness or shortsightedness, is a vision condition where distant objects appear blurry. This occurs because the eyeball elongates slightly, causing light rays to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. Myopia progression refers to the gradual worsening of nearsightedness over time, often happening during childhood and adolescence. Wondering "what is myopia"? This comprehensive guide explores the condition in detail.
There is currently no cure for myopia, but fortunately, there are management strategies available to slow down its progression. These strategies can help reduce the need for stronger corrective lenses over time and potentially lower the risk of future eye complications associated with high myopia. Concerned about your child's nearsightedness? G&G Eye Doctors are leaders in children's eye care and offer a variety of myopia management services to help your child see clearly and reduce the risk of future complications.
Myopia typically starts in childhood, between the ages of 6 and 8. During childhood and adolescence, the eyeball continues to grow, and myopia (or myopic vision) may worsen. This progression usually slows down or stops by early adulthood, when the eye reaches its full size.
While having a mild degree of myopia is generally harmless, highly myopic eyes (with a very strong prescription) are longer than normal eyes. This increased length puts them at a higher risk of developing certain eye diseases later in life, such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, and myopic macular degeneration. Early intervention with myopia management can be beneficial in reducing this risk. Schedule a comprehensive children's eye exam at G&G Eye Doctors today to discuss myopia management options for your child.
The ideal time to begin myopia control is when nearsightedness is first diagnosed in a child. Early intervention can be more effective in slowing down the progression compared to starting treatment later. Schedule a children's eye exam with an eye doctor for children near you to discuss myopia control options. G&G Eye Doctors have extensive skill and knowledge in children's eye care and offer a variety of myopia management services.
There are several options available to help slow down myopia progression. The best approach will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Here's a breakdown of some common methods:
While there is no guaranteed natural way to slow down myopia progression, some research suggests that spending more time outdoors and engaging in activities that require focusing on distant objects may be helpful. The exact reason for this potential benefit is still being studied, but it's thought that increased exposure to natural light may play a role.
There is no evidence that wearing glasses worsens myopia. In fact, wearing proper corrective lenses can help to prevent eyestrain, which some studies suggest may be a contributing factor to myopia progression. Wearing properly fitted glasses ensures you see clearly and comfortably, reducing the need for the eye to constantly adjust its focus.
In some cases, combining myopia control methods may be more effective than using just one method. For example, a doctor might recommend using low-dose atropine eye drops along with multifocal contact lenses like Stellest lenses. However, the best approach depends on the individual case and should be discussed with your eye doctor.
Each myopia control method has its own potential side effects. It is important to discuss these with your eye doctor to determine the best option for you or your child. For example, as mentioned earlier, atropine